What are the types of hearing loss?

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  • Views:109
  • Source:Phonak Hearing Aids
Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment or hearing loss, refers to the partial or complete inability to hear sounds. Hearing loss may be in one ear or both ears. It may be temporary or permanent.

What are the types of hearing loss?

Hearing loss refers to the reduction or loss of people’s ability to perceive sound. The main types are as follows:
1. Conductive hearing loss: mainly occurs when the outer ear, middle ear or inner ear conducts sound waves. Hearing loss caused by obstruction or damage. For example, factors such as excessive earwax, otitis media, and perforated eardrum may cause conductive hearing loss.
2. Sensorial hearing loss: Hearing loss mainly caused by damage or damage to the sensory cells in the inner ear. This loss is usually permanent and cannot be restored with surgery or medical treatment. Common causes include aging, genetic factors, noise pollution, etc.
3. Mixed hearing loss: This type of loss is a combination of conductive and sensorial hearing loss, that is, hearing loss caused by a combination of problems in the inner and middle ears. Mixed hearing loss often requires a combination of treatments, including surgery, medications, hearing aids, and more.
4. Central hearing loss: This type of loss is hearing loss caused by problems with the brain or auditory nerve. Common causes include stroke, head trauma, intracranial tumors, etc. This type of hearing loss often requires professional treatment and rehabilitation.

The above are the main types of hearing loss. Different types of hearing loss require different treatment methods and rehabilitation measures. Therefore, diagnosing and treating hearing problems early is key to maintaining hearing health.

About half of hearing loss worldwide is preventable through public health measures. Things like immunizations, proper care during pregnancy, avoiding loud noises and avoiding certain medications. In addition, the World Health Organization recommends that young people should limit the time they use headphones to listen to music continuously to less than an hour and try to avoid exposing themselves to noise every day.

When we find that our hearing has declined, we should not only understand the degree of our hearing loss, but also the type of our hearing loss, so that we can carry out hearing intervention more accurately and obtain better rehabilitation results.