How do you check your own hearing?

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  • Views:126
  • Source:Phonak Hearing Aids
Deafness patients are not uncommon in our daily lives. Some patients are unfortunately born with congenital deafness, while others have deafness caused by the environment or some diseases.

How do you check your own ears and hearing?

There are a number of simple methods you can use to check your own hearing.
First, you can try listening to some sounds with different pitches and volumes, such as alarm clocks, phone ringtones, etc., to see if you can hear and identify the source and type of the sound.

Secondly, you can let others speak at different distances and angles to observe whether you can hear and understand the other person's words clearly.

Additionally, you can use some listening test apps or online testing websites to assess your listening level. If you find that your hearing is declining, you should seek help from a professional medical institution in time for more accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Common diseases that cause hearing loss include cerumen embolism in the external auditory canal, otitis media, and sensorineural deafness.
① If there is a large amount of earwax in the ear canal blocking the ear canal, it may cause hearing loss, which may also be accompanied by symptoms such as ear tightness and tinnitus. After cleaning the external auditory canal cerumen, hearing can mostly improve.
② Otitis media is an inflammatory disease caused by viral or bacterial infection of the tympanic mucosa of the middle ear, or fluid accumulation in the tympanum due to poor drainage of the middle ear, which affects the conduction of hearing and causes hearing loss.

③ Sensorineural deafness is a hearing loss disease caused by damage to the auditory nervous system. It can mainly manifest as deafness, tinnitus, ear fullness, and severe symptoms such as dizziness.

If you suspect that you have hearing loss, you need to go to the hospital for an ear physical examination and hearing test in time to determine the cause and receive early treatment.

Maintaining good listening habits and lifestyle, such as avoiding prolonged exposure to high noise environments and wearing ear protectors, are also effective ways to protect your hearing.