Why is the hearing fluctuating so much?

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  • Source:Phonak Hearing Aids
In your daily life, have you ever experienced this situation? Suddenly you feel that the sounds around you are getting smaller, but then they get better after a few seconds. You feel that your hearing is sometimes good or bad.

Why is your hearing fluctuating so much?

Colds, otitis media, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and systemic chronic diseases can all affect hearing. Hearing fluctuations will definitely affect normal listening and communication. If you feel worried, you can choose a local regular hospital or a hearing aid fitting institution to check your hearing. , find out the reasons for hearing fluctuations, and pay more attention to reduce the occurrence of fluctuations.

1. Eustachian tube dysfunction
The Eustachian tube is a small tube that connects the tympanum of the middle ear to the back of the nose. The job of this tube is to pass through Opens and closes to equalize air pressure outside the ear and in the tympanum of the middle ear. Normally we may not notice the role of the Eustachian tube. When flying, the Eustachian tube also works extra hard to regulate the air pressure inside and outside the ears due to frequent changes in air pressure when the aircraft is ascending or landing. If your Eustachian tube "strike," your ears will feel blocked and your hearing will be affected.

The most common cause of Eustachian tube dysfunction is a cold or sinus infection. Due to blocked sinuses, the Eustachian tube cannot open normally, resulting in a difference in air pressure between the inside and outside of the ear, which presses the tympanic membrane inward or outward, and hearing is also affected. As the condition improves and symptoms disappear, your Eustachian tubes will open and your hearing will improve.

2. Fluctuating hearing loss

Fluctuating hearing loss is not common, but if you are a patient with Meniere's disease, you need to consider this cause. One of the hallmarks of Ménière's disease is fluctuating changes in hearing, usually in only one ear. You may notice fluctuations in hearing in the affected ear over a period of time, and the changes are likely to last for days rather than minutes or hours.

3. Ear neuroma
This is a relatively rare disease, but if it occurs, the first symptoms will be hearing fluctuations, tinnitus, etc. Therefore, it is also necessary to immediatelyMedically, to prevent the tumor from growing further and compressing nerves or other organs within the brain.
Don’t be too nervous if you have an ear neuroma. It can get better after examination or surgery in the hospital.

4. High-intensity noise environment
If you have been in a high-noise environment for a period of time, you may notice changes in your hearing. This phenomenon is called Temporary threshold shift, that is, a person's hearing threshold has temporarily changed.
When the human ear is exposed to loud sounds for a long time, such as concerts, gunfire or loud machine sounds, temporary threshold shifts will occur. To put it simply, the hearing value that your ears think is normal has been adjusted higher. When you leave this kind of strong noise environment, your ears will slowly begin to recover, and your hearing threshold will gradually recover. However, special attention should be paid to the fact that if you are in a strong noise environment for a long time, the temporary threshold shift may become a permanent threshold shift.

5. Insufficient sleep

As we get older, melatonin levels decrease and sleep quality becomes worse. The direct manifestation of lack of sleep is that it is easy to cause tinnitus, dizziness, and hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is generally temporary and usually resolves after a good night's sleep. However, long-term lack of sleep may also cause permanent damage to hearing, so it is necessary to establish a healthy biological clock and ensure adequate sleep.

6. Cerumen embolism
” Cerumen is what we commonly call it. of earwax. Accumulating too much cerumen and blocking the external auditory canal may also lead to "persistent" hearing loss. After this situation occurs, the cerumen often needs to be completely removed to restore the original hearing. But in some cases, cerumen clots can cause your hearing to wax and wane.

When you open your mouth and jaw, such as when chewing or yawning, the ear canal will change its shape, and the cerumen may also be displaced in the ear canal; during the transmission of sound through the external auditory canal Because the position of the cerumen blockage is constantly changing, hearing becomes better and worse. If the blockage of cerumen causes problems in your life, then you should find a professional to help you deal with it in time. Do not use cotton swabs or other tools to pick out your ears casually, as this may push the cerumen deeper and deeper, or even pierce the eardrum.

 7. Otitis media
Although otitis media usually occurs more often in children, it is possible for any age group to have acute or long-term otitis media due to a cold and nasal mucus flowing back into the ears.
Then, during the period when there is fluid accumulation in the middle ear, hearing loss will be obvious. Because the fluid usually clears up on its own within 4-6 weeks, the hearing recovers naturally.
If you often catch colds and the function of your Eustachian tube decreases, it is likely to cause repeated otitis media, and your hearing will fluctuate.

Recurrent otitis media also requires hospital treatment. Improve the function of the Eustachian tube and treat cold symptoms, and hearing fluctuations will naturally be alleviated.

Hearing fluctuations have many causes. It may be simple earwax blockage or otitis media, or it may be a more serious ear disease. The physical health conditions of the elderly, such as blood pressure and sleep, will affect hearing. After all, the human body is a complex machine, and every link is closely related.

If you find that your hearing is abnormal, or changes from good to bad, please be sure to go to a regular hospital to have your ears examined and your hearing evaluated by a doctor or audiologist!