What are the middle ear diseases that cause hearing loss?

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  • Source:Phonak Hearing Aids
In medicine, hearing loss is generally referred to as deafness. Deafness does not mean that you cannot hear any sounds, but there are certain differences. For example, it can be divided into mild, moderate and severe, or even complete deafness.

What are the middle ear diseases that cause hearing loss?

For most people, hearing is an indispensable and important ability. With good hearing, people can easily hear various sounds in nature. If hearing loss occurs, many sounds cannot be recognized correctly, which will cause countless troubles in life. Hearing loss generally does not occur accidentally and may be a complication of these diseases.

Ear diseases that cause hearing loss

1. Suppurative otitis media
Chronic suppurative otitis media is a common clinical deafness disease. The main manifestations are repeated ear discharge and hearing loss, and a few patients may be complicated by severe intracranial infection.

2. Acoustic neuroma
Acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor originating from the auditory nerve. It can cause tinnitus, hearing loss and other symptoms. If severe, it can also cause facial paralysis.
When unilateral progressive sensorineural deafness and tinnitus occur, psychological and imaging examinations should be performed to check whether it is an acoustic neuroma.

3. Otosclerosis
Otosclerosis is progressive hearing loss in both ears caused by fixation of the middle ear ossicular chain. Ear physical examination is generally normal. Otosclerosis has an insidious onset and slow progression, making it easily misdiagnosed and missed.
Sudden deafness Sudden deafness is a sudden sensorineural deafness. It is generally believed to be caused by vascular disease, viral infection, etc. It often occurs when overtired or sleep deprived, and is mainly treated with medication. .

4. Presbycusis
Presbycusis often occurs inPeople over 60 years old should wear hearing aids promptly after presbycusis occurs.

5. Secretory otitis media

Secretory otitis media is tympanic effusion and hearing loss caused by obstruction of the Eustachian tube. The prevention method is to actively treat ear, nose and throat diseases, and can use physical therapy, Drugs and other methods can be used to promote the absorption and discharge of middle ear fluid. If necessary, tympanic membrane puncture or tympanic membrane tube insertion can be performed.

Systemic diseases that cause hearing loss

1. Neuropathy
Primary and secondary neuropathy can involve the spiral nerve Ganglion cells, spiral nerve fibers, eighth cranial nerve, auditory neurons at all levels in the brainstem, and the auditory center of the brain cause degeneration.

2. Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism, especially deafness in patients with endemic cretinism, is very common. Severe iodine deficiency can lead to insufficient thyroid hormone secretion during the development of fetal ear structures. .

3. Kidney disease

Most patients with hereditary nephritis, various kidney diseases, dialysis and kidney transplantation are accompanied by hearing impairment. The hearing loss may be caused by the balance of inner ear fluid penetration caused by hyponatremia. It is related to many factors such as disorders, increased uremia and creatinine in the blood, and immune response.

“Three highs” can cause damage to blood vessels and hearing loss
High blood pressure and arteriosclerosis are the most common diseases that cause deafness. The cause of hearing loss may be related to blood supply disorders in the inner ear and blood viscosity. It is related to increased hysteresis and disorder of lipid metabolism in the ear.

High blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, etc. will slow down the blood flow, increase blood viscosity, and block the blood supply. In addition, the inner ear arteries are very small and have no collateral circulation (that is, the ear There is only one blood vessel for the nutrient supply of auditory cells), so once the blood flow is obstructed and the ischemia and hypoxia conditions are not corrected for a long time, it will cause tissue lesions in the inner ear, thereby damaging the auditory nerve and causing varying degrees of tinnitus and tinnitus. Ear fullness and hearing loss, etc.

Hearing is related to emotions
If there are sudden ups and downs of emotions, such as rage, or if there is too much pressure, tension, or fatigue over a period of time, blood circulation in the inner ear will be affected disorders, leading to damage to the inner ear.
Therefore, you should control your emotions, pay attention to your work and rest time, and maintain adequate sleep.
In addition to ear problems that can cause hearing loss, any cause that can cause inner ear microcirculation disorders, such as ischemia and hypoxia, immune response, and metabolic disorders, can also cause hearing loss. In addition, depression is also a risk factor for hearing loss. At the same time, patients with hearing loss have a higher rate of depression than the normal population.

The ears can move the whole body. Only with healthy hearing can we communicate smoothly with others and live a healthy life. Let us love and protect our ears together, and hope that "everyone can enjoy healthy hearing" and happiness.